Jesper Grud Skat Madsen

Principal investigator

PhD in Molecular Biology and Associate Professor of Computational Biology.

Biosketch and vision

I earned a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Southern Denmark in 2016. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Southern Denmark, where I am the principal investigator in MadLab.

My training in molecular biology has given me a ‘sense for biology’ and a comprehesive understanding of the biases and possibilities of experimental techniques. This, combined with a flair for statistical programming, gives me a strong foundation for navigating the space between biology, computer science and mathematics in a manner that produces tangible scientific progress.

I believe that future scientific breakthrough can be made through collaborative, interdisciplinary, creativity and open science. For that reason, we strive to be involved in international research centers, where researchers with different competences collaborate. We thrive to enroll students with different backgrounds ranging from physics to medicine, and we active work towards a working culture that focuses on creativity, ideas and progress rather than long working hours and strict deliverables.